When did you first start getting crafty and creative with fashion?
I was hauling my mothers heavy singer sewing machine out the closet, at age 9. I was making really hideous doll clothes.
Who are your favorite fashionistas and designers?
I will always be a fan of Diane V she mixes comfort with prints and bold patterns so I lover her for that. I am a Solange fan when it comes to fashion because she is always wearing something no one has ever seen.
What are your ultimate style tips?
Simple with a Bang. I always think simple speaks volumes when dressing. I think by adding a Bang, like a bright necklace or oversized clutch gives the fashion statement to a simple look.
If you could borrow one thing from a celebrities wardrobe, what & who would you choose?
Anything Vintage from the closet of Rachel Zoe, and no matter what I am sure to hit a jackpot.
Which fashion blogs do you love to read?
I am inspired by and addicted to an ex student turned fashion guru, Icon Accidental. She is taking fashion by storm and I love it.
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
I crochet as well as sew. So I like crocheting trim on things that need some spicing up. I also like to write an love listen to old music.