• Posted by laneybug
i kinda got inspiration from d lolipop necklce and made it like d zombie necklace.i started out wit d 2 lolipops for me nd mi buddy nd it worked out so great i made al theese other 1s. i made da invadr zim and d domo by printin out a pic of dem nd puttin dem on d plastic nd i jus covrd dem wit a top coat of nail polish. hope dat makes sense:/ so yea great fun tanks!
i kinda got inspiration from d lolipop necklce and made it like d zombie necklace.i started out wit d 2 lolipops for me nd mi buddy nd it worked out so great i made al theese other 1s. i made da invadr zim and d domo by printin out a pic of dem nd puttin dem on d plastic nd i jus covrd dem wit a top coat of nail polish. hope dat makes sense:/ so yea great fun tanks!