Zombie Necklace

Because Everyone loves Zombies. They're always limpin' and eating brain's and stuff.

Posted by Zombie Blood Glows in the Dark


This is really easy to make, aha I always get compliments on it and yeah.. I love it.

** sorry there's no pictures. I made this a while ago.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Clear Nail Varnish
  • Sculpty Clay
  • Paint

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    All you need is enough clay to spell out the word 'ZOMBIES'... or whatever the hell you want to spell.

  2. 2

    make sure you make two holes somewhere on the necklace to put the strins in later. I put holes in the 'Z' and the 'S'

  3. 3

    Bake it :S

  4. 4

    After it cools paint it with whatever color you want.

    Obviously I choose neon green; my favorite color aha

  5. 5

    After the paint drys outline the letters with a black sharpie and and some stiches or whatever design you'd like onto the necklace.

    Coat with clear nail varnish.

    tie on some embroidery thread or whatever string you have so that you can wear it.

    You're done.

    Put it on and give em' hell kid.