Cut Out + Keep

Zip It

Based on Zipper Flowers by Stephanie • Posted by Melissa Beth

I was inspired by Stephanie's zipper flowers, but I couldn't find a black and silver zipper long enough. I found black and silver zippers, but they were way shorter than the tutorial asked for. I ended up rolling a zipper and gluing it into to place as I wrapped. I put a very simple bow under the flower.

You will need


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium photo on 2010 07 31 at 23.04 1280636191


I was inspired by Stephanie's zipper flowers, but I couldn't find a black and silver zipper long enough. I found black and silver zippers, but they were way shorter than the tutorial asked for. I ended up rolling a zipper and gluing it into to place as I wrapped. I put a very simple bow under the flower.
