Cut Out + Keep

Zipper Flower Hair Clip :D

zipper flower hair clip • Posted by Bani Kaur

zipper flower hair clip

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc03225 1309197343 Medium dsc03224 1309197429 Medium dsc03226 1309197470 Medium dsc03230 1309197471


zipper flower hair clip


  1. take a zipper and unzip it completely so that u have two parts.

  2. take one part and Roll the fabric over. This will be the center of the flower.apply hot glue and Press down to secure the fabric in place. Be careful not to burn yourself from the hot-glue.

  3. continue repeating step three till you are satisfied with the number of petals and the shape of the flower.

  4. Small dsc03230 1309197606

    attach hair clip or bobby pin on the back of this flower like so ..

  5. Small dsc03227 1309197651

    and you are done !! :D