Cut Out + Keep

Zip Bracelet

An easy to make, pretty use for scraps. • Posted by chloeinlove

You will need

Project Budget


6 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dsc00119 1243016807 Medium dsc00120 1243188746 Medium dsc00121 1243188892



  1. Stitch the zip onto the ribbon only on the edges,so that the zip can be un-zipped.

  2. Thread the beads onto a peace of thread, don't make a pattern of the colours. Once you have sewen on about 5 or 6 thread the big bead on and thread another 3 or 4 beads on.

  3. Sew the bottons on the other end of the ribbon, make sure the biggest is in the middle.

  4. Sew the leaves on ontop of the other opposite the beads.

  5. Sew two of the poppers on one end that you have terned down and sewd onto the other side. Then do the same on the other side with the remaining poppers. Remember to turn and sew down both sides before.