Zebra Fawn Necklace

Most everyone loves Zebras....Everyone loves babies. Zebra Fawns are so sweet the world gets diabetes!

Posted by Ashleigh Davidson


This project is hard because the deer are TINY! They don't come looking like a Zebra- you have to paint them! This takes tiny brushes and REALLY good glasses! :) Lots of patience because sometimes the paint runs and you have to let the paint dry between coats. At the end, coat the fawn with glossy clear spray acrylic. :) Add the beads as you like along the chain and Vwa-la! You're done!


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Plastic Deer Ornament
  • 10 Large Glass Beads in matching colors.
  • Necklace Chain with a clasp and hoop.