Perfect with strawberry marmalade... or without! xD
I'm not perfectly sure if gem is the right word, but dict.LEO told me so. ^^
So, these pieces are easy to make, rather quick and the best thing is: they really don't need any skills. I was able to make them alone at the age of... 5 or something around that...
You can use this recipe for apple or plum pies, too...
The time on the left only tells how much time you yourself have to spend, not including dough raising and baking time.
Angel C. favorited Yummi Sweet Gems 28 Jan 03:25
Cheshire x. favorited Yummi Sweet Gems 18 Sep 00:49
Phoenix M. favorited Yummi Sweet Gems 21 May 23:18
rouge s. added Yummi Sweet Gems to Food 27 Nov 03:34
rouge s. favorited Yummi Sweet Gems 28 Oct 03:44
Kaiulani W. favorited Yummi Sweet Gems 10 Jul 01:36
PoisonIvy favorited Yummi Sweet Gems 15 Jun 18:33
pink added Yummi Sweet Gems to things i want to make in the future 03 Oct 03:47
Step 3
Once the milkbutter has cooled down to knuckle-comfortable ( just dip a finger knuckle into the mix ^___^ ), carefully pour it into your flour-crater, add one pack of dried OR a block of fresh yeast and 50 g. sugar into the liquid. Don't worry, 50 g. may not sound like a hell of a lot, but your outcome will be sweet, I promise.
Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes. Oncw the yeast builded some strange looking bubbles, you can go on.
Add just a liiiiittle tiny bit of salt... Dunno what that is for, but... You don't taste it anyway. x)
Step 5
You are ready when you have a nice, smooth, babyskin-like chunk that - as I think - already smells wonderful.
IF the dough is too gummy, add a little bit of flour, and if it's too dry, add milk. Easy.
Now, grab your magic bowl-lid of sparcle and shine and close the bowl.
You can also just use a towel to cover the bowl, but I'd never know when the dough has risen enough...... -
Step 7
Grab pieces of dough and give it some fun shapes. You can try letters, pretzel shapes, snaily rolls, you could even try to build your dream boy, haha! xD
Just go with the flow.......This time, I just made little lumps to use them as gems ( ? ^____^ ) after. Doesn't matter the taste!
Don't forget to preheat your oven!
Step 9
Bake about (!!!) 30 minutes at 175°C, just have a look from time to time. A gold brown colour is perfect.
Now comes the hardest part: Let them cool down!!! I highly advise to put them in an fragrance-proof room that you usually don't use, or the pieces will magically be gone before you even notice it... *blushes*
Step 10
I'm pretty sure that some chocolate pieces in the dough would be great!!!
And as I said, you can use this as a bottom for some fruit cakes, too.
I'd love to know who's trying this, and mostly if you liked it after trying. :P
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