Cut Out + Keep

Yoda's Robe

So your Lil Yoda won't be nekkid • Posted by rebecca o.

My Yoda pattern has been up for quite a while. This is only the pattern for his robe. Some of these directions seem vague, so please message me if you have any questions.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium yoda clothes Medium yoda robe pattern


My Yoda pattern has been up for quite a while. This is only the pattern for his robe. Some of these directions seem vague, so please message me if you have any questions.


  1. GET MATERIALS and CUT PATTERN PIECES I used quilting fabric for his outfit. Fat quarters will be much, much more than enough. You'll need small amounts of brown, tan, and a small piece of velcro. Also brown and tan thread. Download the template above. For the robe front and back, make sure to reverse the pattern when you cut the second piece. The piece called "Front" should be dark brown; everything else is beige.

  2. SEW FRONT PIECE TO ROBE FRONT **All seams are 1/8" unless otherwise noted** I recommend hand-sewing everything. Hem the top and bottom of the front (brown) rectangle. For the Robe Front pieces, fold 1/4" of the open side (side without arm holes) over. Pin it to the long sides of the front piece, matching the raw edges as closely as possible. Sew the pieces together as close to the raw edge as possible.

  3. SEW ROBE FRONT TO ROBE BACK Line up the robe front and back pieces, matching the arm holes. Sew the sides together, leaving the arm holes unsewn.

  4. SEW SLEEVES The widest side of the sleeve is the opening. Hem it. Next, fold the sleeve in half and sew the side seam. Finally, position sleeve in arm hole with side seam pointing down. Sew into place. Repeat with second sleeve.

  5. SEW THE BACK OF THE ROBE CLOSED We need enough space to add the velcro closure, so this piece is sewn with a pretty big seam. Line up the sides. Place a pin 1 1/2" fro the top of the robe. Sew from the bottom of the robe to this point with a 1/4" seam. When you reach the needle, sew a few horizontal stitches to keep the opening nice. The top will remain separated for the zipper, but we still need to hem it. Sew each side with a 1/8" hem. Hem the top and bottom of the robe.

  6. ADD VELCRO CLOSURE Cut a small piece of velcro, 3/4" by 1/4". Position the pieces 1/8" from the top of the robe and 1/16" from the hemmed edge. Sew into place.

  7. Dress up your Yoda and enjoy.