Cut Out + Keep

Yellow Submarine Jacket

We all live in a... • Posted by Felicia Rose

I loooove the Beatles, and after I found this jacket for $3, I could think of nothing better to do with it! There is silk screening, embroidery, and applique. All of those yellow fabrics are from a purse I got at WalMart and ripped apart. Those portholes are Indian mirrors, by the way ;)

You will need

Project Budget


5 h 55


Pretty Tough
Medium yellow sub smaller 1247360109 Medium yellow sub 3 smaller 1247360250 Medium yellow sub detail 1247360478


I loooove the Beatles, and after I found this jacket for $3, I could think of nothing better to do with it! There is silk screening, embroidery, and applique. All of those yellow fabrics are from a purse I got at WalMart and ripped apart. Those portholes are Indian mirrors, by the way ;)
