• Posted by Scraphoarder
Hey fellow crafters! Have you ever wanted to start with an interesting looking mode of crafting but have struggled due to lack of know-how/resources/a sense of feeling that you might not be that good at it? I present to you my very first ever in any medium at all sculpture and i am proud of her! I went through the salt dough recipes posted here (much thanks!) and i did refer to Jet.H's , Dust of Enchantment's , and Jonathan.B's .... I love you all! Thanks for being the inspiration for the creation of Marilyn :) Hope my next one comes out better :D ! This one was done on the go without any plan or drawings at all oh and no wiring whatsoever :( :D And i quite like the cartoony proportion :D OOOOh excited!
Hey fellow crafters! Have you ever wanted to start with an interesting looking mode of crafting but have struggled due to lack of know-how/resources/a sense of feeling that you might not be that good at it? I present to you my very first ever in any medium at all sculpture and i am proud of her! I went through the salt dough recipes posted here (much thanks!) and i did refer to Jet.H's , Dust of Enchantment's , and Jonathan.B's .... I love you all! Thanks for being the inspiration for the creation of Marilyn :) Hope my next one comes out better :D ! This one was done on the go without any plan or drawings at all oh and no wiring whatsoever :( :D And i quite like the cartoony proportion :D OOOOh excited!