• Posted by Ketkee J.
Make a hoop like structure using newspapers and secure them using lots of tape. (remember to use lots of tape) :)
Roll out balls using pieces of newspaper..and secure them with tape as well. The balls you roll out needn't be of the same size. :) The number of balls to be rolled out depends on the size of your hoop.
Prepare a solution of water and glue. Coat your hoop and the paper balls with some tissuepaper and this solution using a paint brush (this part is a bit messy). Wait until the coat dries up properly. Once it dries up it will become hard. :)
Now you can paint the paper balls as well as the hoop using fabric colours. I painted my hoop white.. :P
Now start sticking the balls on the after the other.. this step consumes a lot of time. DOn't hurry... Stick 2-3 balls at a time. Wait until they stick properly...proceed slowly.
After sticking all the balls around the hoop you can decorate your wreath using sparkles, laces, beads etc..etc... :D