Cut Out + Keep

Wrapper Bracelet

Based on Wrapper Bracelet by Cat Morley • Posted by Callie S.

My awesome cousin, Andrew, and I saw this idea and decided to eat a bunch of Starbursts and make this. Although he probably won't be eating Starburst for a while, it was definately worth it. This is really easy to mak, but time consuming. Perfect ofr a rainy day.

You will need


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn6087 1287878420 Medium dscn6086 1287879087


My awesome cousin, Andrew, and I saw this idea and decided to eat a bunch of Starbursts and make this. Although he probably won't be eating Starburst for a while, it was definately worth it. This is really easy to mak, but time consuming. Perfect ofr a rainy day.
