Wool Skirt Reconstruction

A thrifted wool skirt recon'd into a cute puffy high waist skirt <3

Posted by KatieLikeMe


For Christmas, I was given money to go out and thrift shop, so I did.
I found this really long and slightly stained elastic waisted wool skirt for $0.75 (sorry, no before pictures).

I only wear high waist skirts because they accentuate my body better. So, the first thing I noticed was that the elastic in the skirt was way too loose, so when I opened the casing, the elastic was extremely brittle. I replaced it with some brand new, 3/4 inch elastic and re-closed the casing.

Then, I put the skirt on inside out and marked where I wanted the skirt to end, leaving around a 1/4 inch for seam allowance.
Then, I folded it up, and did a basic cross stitch at the bottom, making sure to do a double locking stitch every 6 inches, to ensure that when I inevitably snag it on something, the entire hem doesn't come undone.


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Skirt
  • Needle And Thread