Cut Out + Keep

Wool Hair Falls

Wool Hair Falls Made with Hair Spray • Posted by Momo

Wool falls are a nice step up from cyberlox if you're into making hair falls. They're harder to make than cyberlox, but easier than dreads made with synthetic (kanekalon) hair. They also look really nice, and are super soft. There are two ways to to make wool falls: hot water or with hairspray. I personally prefer the hot water method, but if you don't like burning your hands or don't have baking soda, this is a good (and easier) way of doing it. When you're starting, get cheaper wool. It will take a couple of tries and experimenting till you get them the way you want them, but don't be afraid to mess up. Here are some people to buy wool from: If you're looking for fancier stuff, I encourage you to check Lots of people hand dye their wool so it's always different and one of a kind. Here are some of my favorite sellers:

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Medium 046 1267378878 Medium 037 1267391463


Wool falls are a nice step up from cyberlox if you're into making hair falls. They're harder to make than cyberlox, but easier than dreads made with synthetic (kanekalon) hair. They also look really nice, and are super soft. There are two ways to to make wool falls: hot water or with hairspray. I personally prefer the hot water method, but if you don't like burning your hands or don't have baking soda, this is a good (and easier) way of doing it. When you're starting, get cheaper wool. It will take a couple of tries and experimenting till you get them the way you want them, but don't be afraid to mess up. Here are some people to buy wool from: If you're looking for fancier stuff, I encourage you to check Lots of people hand dye their wool so it's always different and one of a kind. Here are some of my favorite sellers:


  1. Small 040 1267379424

    First, set up your work station. Grab your supplies: -Hair spray (I prefer Aussie: Instant Freeze) -Scissors -Wool Roving (mine is from Planetariumfish @ Etsy) -Small rubber bands (like the ones you use for small braids or braces) Make sure you're working on a clean surface, devoid of any kinds of other fabric of loose hair. Wool picks up everything, so clean off any of your own hair, wig hair, animal hair, etc.

  2. Small 039 1267379487

    Take your wool roving, and slowly begin to pull it into strands or sections. Make sure that you pull more/wider, and shorter (length) than you're expecting them to be. When you roll it, the side will become more narrow and longer than the piece you pulled. When you have the length you want, cut it off the rest of the wool with scissors. Don't be afraid to experiment with a couple of different lengths to see which you like best.

  3. Small 041 1267392948

    Spray the end section of the wool first with the hair spray. You may need to redo this a few times if it doesn't seal the first time. ALWAYS start with an end first. If you start in the middle, you will pull your wool strip apart and make it impossible to work with.

  4. Small 043 1267379985

    Begin rapidly rolling the sprayed area between your palms. You will see that the wool will begin to bind or dread itself together. Always work from one end to the other. Don't skip around or you'll get a lumpy mess of wool. Continue this process down the length of wool. You may have to go back and re-roll sections. Your hands will get very sticky and covered with hair spray, so feel free to break and wash your hands, but make sure you dry them entirely before going back. Water will remove the hair spray from the dread if it gets on it.

  5. Small 045 1267393279

    This is how it should look when you're done.

  6. Small 048 1267393429

    Next, grab your hair tie that you want to mount it on. There are two ways to mount it: Mounting Method #1 Fold the dread in two so that it's an even length on each side. Take the center part and line it up against the hair tie. It should create a loop at the top Take both ends of the dread, and pull it through the loop and pull until tight.

  7. Small 050 1267393703

    Mounting Method #2: Fold the dread in half so it's even (just like before), except this time put it over the hair tie so one end of the dread is on one side of the tie, and the other is on the other (as if the dread were sitting on it like a hair tie saddle xD). Grab one of your little elastics, and slip both ends of the dread through it. Slide it up, and tie it on.

  8. Small 051 1267393820

    That's it! Hope you have fun making these. Feel free to ask questions for additional help. If you'd like me to post the hot water method, please let me know.