Cut Out + Keep

Wire Tree

Based on Wire Tree by Ele • Posted by Lyssa C.

The overall process is actually very easy, just tedious and time consuming. It took me 2 days, but only because I ran out of wire, that and my skin is sensitive, so it really hurt my fingers. A second pliers is your best friend!! I made mine with 100 10 inch strands because I was low on wire when I started. For anyone new to wire craft and projects like this, the first time will take much longer because you will need to learn what methods work best for YOU. This was fun and I WILL be making more! I've already gotten so many compliments and requests from friends and family. I personally recommend 26-28G wire, beads size 11-6, and 2 pairs of pliers; 1 needle nose and one standard pair of gripping utility pliers.

You will need


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The overall process is actually very easy, just tedious and time consuming. It took me 2 days, but only because I ran out of wire, that and my skin is sensitive, so it really hurt my fingers. A second pliers is your best friend!! I made mine with 100 10 inch strands because I was low on wire when I started. For anyone new to wire craft and projects like this, the first time will take much longer because you will need to learn what methods work best for YOU. This was fun and I WILL be making more! I've already gotten so many compliments and requests from friends and family. I personally recommend 26-28G wire, beads size 11-6, and 2 pairs of pliers; 1 needle nose and one standard pair of gripping utility pliers.
