Cut Out + Keep

Wire Ring?

Something I made on a whim..... • Posted by BlackjackVIP

Sooo, I saw this ring some time ago, and I thought it looked awesome...I wanted to make something like that, but I didnt have scrap metal, or any knowledge of metal work >< I glued several pieces of wire together, and this is the result :D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium photo 2.00.06 pm Medium photo 2.00.06 pm


Sooo, I saw this ring some time ago, and I thought it looked awesome...I wanted to make something like that, but I didnt have scrap metal, or any knowledge of metal work >< I glued several pieces of wire together, and this is the result :D


  1. Small photo

    Soooo..... these are all the materials I used

  2. Sorry, no pics here I used the ruler to measure out the length of the wire, and cut out 5 pieces of the same length Note : Straighten out the wire REAllY good first, to have that flat effect

  3. Small photo

    Then glue them together! I used some kind of glue I bought at a bead shop, This was the glue I used

  4. Glue the ring or rings onto the wire piece Note : I used 1 ring for this project, but the result was a ring that kept moving about... so I recommend using two rings and glue them side by side.............hop that makes sends (--! )

  5. Done!

  6. Small photo

    glue the ring to the entire glued piece, and you are done! Tip : I used 1 ring, but it is better if you used 2