Cut Out + Keep

Wine Cork Stamps

A great use for excess wine corks! • Posted by ZanyDays

We have hundreds (it seems) of used wine corks. Usually we donate them to our local kitchen shop, but I wanted to hang on to a few in a not-so-tacky way. I drew the shapes I wanted with sharpie, and very carefully cut with an exacto knife. Very. Carefully. I also wore working gloves =) It makes a mess, but they work so well it's totally worth it. I used oil paints as the stamp media, but I'm sure stamp pads would work too. Some of them you have to roll a bit to get the pattern to show.

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 531077 503973322954901 2123522439 n


We have hundreds (it seems) of used wine corks. Usually we donate them to our local kitchen shop, but I wanted to hang on to a few in a not-so-tacky way. I drew the shapes I wanted with sharpie, and very carefully cut with an exacto knife. Very. Carefully. I also wore working gloves =) It makes a mess, but they work so well it's totally worth it. I used oil paints as the stamp media, but I'm sure stamp pads would work too. Some of them you have to roll a bit to get the pattern to show.
