Window Foil Art Work

put foil over your window to keep your room cool? add an awesome design to let some natural light in!



During the summer it gets REALLY hot here in Arizona. I have crappy windows, so to help keep the heat out i put foil over them. I still want some natural light to come in so i started carving shapes and things into them. as time went on i got more creative. figured I'd make a how to for others who want to do this as well. if you have questions go ahead and comment and I'll try to answer ASAP.
Window- FREE
Foil- 99cent store
x-acto knife #2 - $6 at Staples (might be at the 99cent store, i didn't look)
CardBoard- probably FREE, look around your home
double sided tape- 99cent store
clear packing tape- 99cent store
printed stencil- FREE or 10cents at staples (unless you get it larger in which case its more like $4, depending on the size)
Dry erase marker- FREE! who doesn't have one nowadays? or 99cent store


You Will Need (7 things)

  • 1 Window
  • 1 Stencil printed out from google
  • 1 Cardboard
  • 1 Clear Packing Tape
  • 1 Aluminum Foil depending on window size, may need 2
  • 1 Double Sided Tape
  • 1 X Acto Knife

Steps (12 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    pick a window! - video link

  2. 2

    Cover your window in foil! heavy duty foil is the best. I bought mine at the 99cent store.
    best way to do this is up and down. start at the top corner and layer it like wall paper. the double sided tape is to help it lay flat. you don't want it bubbling out. once you have it covered you'll want to use the clear packing tape to tape down the edges of each foil edge. this helps it from getting caught on something and ripping.

  3. 3

    Pick a stencil! I search online for stencils to print out. remember you'll be cutting it out so make sure its for that. don't want missing pieces.
    This time i went big. I went to Staples and got it blown up for a few bucks on standard paper.
    (image is David Tennant as The Doctor in Doctor Who TV series)

  4. 4

    Cut that stencil out! because my image was huge i tapped it to a wall and slid a piece of cardboard behind it so i didn't slice up my wall and dull my knife. take your time. no need to rush.

  5. 5

    now that you have your home made stencil you want to pick a spot for it on your foil covered window. use small pieces of tape to hold it up. u may need to tape a few of the middle parts down just to keep them from flapping around. use minimal tape because you'll need to remove it from the foil.

  6. 6

    Take that dry erase maker and trace your image. half on and off the foil. get every piece! then remove the paper gently from the foil.

  7. 7

    Now you want to start to gently and slowly cut out your image using your x-acto knife #2! i recommend that instead of a regular razor because of how easily the foil can rip. trust me. I've learned. if you cant get that i suggest taking apart a cheap shaving blade and using one of those tiny ones. they're a lot thinner and sharper then a standard box cutting blade.

  8. 8

    be gentle on the curves of the image.

  9. 9

    As you go along you'll need to tape over the finished parts. as you'll see part may flop out. they might get ripped off. so get that clear tape out.

  10. 10

    make sure every edge is tapped down.

  11. 11

    once you've finished you'll have an awesome image! this is the view from inside your home during the day.

  12. 12

    this is the view from outside at night with your lights on.
    ( i live on the second floor so it was a little hard to get a good photo on my phone.) - video link