Cut Out + Keep

Who's That Eating My Page

Cookie monster bookmark

Posted by Malyboo


  • 1 Scissors
  • 1 Black And Blue Marker
  • 1 Box Cutter
  • 1 Cardstock

Steps (11 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    1.First measure the lenth of 3 1/2 inches and make two dots

  2. 2

    2. Connect the dots like so. Just think of it as a sad and happy smile. Make sure the bottom is stretched lower

  3. 3

    3. Make two big circles for eyes.

  4. 4

    4. Add some shaggy hair

  5. 5

    5. Circles in the eyes for pupils. Remember his eyes are crooked.

  6. 6

    6. Add a smiley under the eyes.

  7. 7

    7. Make an open mouth

  8. 8

    8. Add the fuzzy hair on top lip.

  9. 9

    ALMOST DONE!!! All that it needs is to erase any unnessacery lines. With a black marker fill in pupils and mouth than outline it all. Color it blue.

  10. 10

    Last step cut the picture out and the
    upper lip like so.
    I used a box cutter to cut this but if you want just fold and cut with scissors.

  11. 11

    This outline can also be used to create Elmo too. Look how cute