• Posted by Taunton Books
This stand is a simple and beautiful way to display not only succulents but any potted plant in a unique and eye-catching way. Make a thousand of these for your home!
This stand is a simple and beautiful way to display not only succulents but any potted plant in a unique and eye-catching way. Make a thousand of these for your home!
Half-dome base To get the required thickness for the base, it is best to start with a quartered log. A freshly split log is best, because it will be easier to do the carving that is necessary. Use a hatchet to remove the bark and pith. Mark a half-dome shape onto the end of the wood, then work down to that shape with the hatchet.
Use a compass to draw the largest diameter circle possible within the width of your log.
Use a saw to cut into the sides, beginning to define the shape of the half-dome. Then use the hatchet to rough out the underside of the half-dome shape. The goal here is to do the majority of the carving and shaping with the piece still attached to the log. This will keep you safe and your hands protected.
Use a straight knife to carve large facets into the underside of the piece; this will add some interest to the stand. Try to smooth out all of the surfaces as much as possible.
Once you have finished, separate the piece from the log using the saw. Clean off any saw marks with the knife. legs
The three legs are positioned equidistant around the underside of the dome in the shape of a triangle. Mark and drill a hole for each leg, angling the holes by slightly tilting the drill away from the center.
Use a hatchet to split off three pieces from the remainder of the log. They should be of equal length and a thickness larger than the drill bit used for the holes in the dome.
Begin by shaping and fitting the ends into the holes on the underside of the dome. Start large and then take careful shavings to sneak up on a tight fit. Carve the other ends down to a taper.
Lightly sand all of the pieces and then glue the legs in place. You may need to shave a little off the bottom of one or two of the legs in order to get the succulent stand to sit level. Oil as desired.