• Posted by Greg B.
This was a daddy/daughter project with my 3-year-old. I post it mainly for amusement (unless you're really dying to know what it's like baking with a sugar-crazed preschooler). The recipe is quite good, though.
This was a daddy/daughter project with my 3-year-old. I post it mainly for amusement (unless you're really dying to know what it's like baking with a sugar-crazed preschooler). The recipe is quite good, though.
Mix ingredients in a large bowl until everything is moist. Try not to eat too much raw dough.
Roll out thin on board sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Cut into shapes.
Place carefully on greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 400 degrees F for 8-10 minutes. Cool.
Decorate with frosting or colored sugar. Try not to eat gobs of frosting straight from the knife!
Examine the aftermath.
Clean up your mess.
Take a bath.