Cut Out + Keep

White Chocolate Skulls

Cute for Halloween Partys!! <3 :) • Posted by Zombie Bunnie

I saw a version of Skull Crushers but i didnt have the filling for them. I really wanted to make them for my friends. So, all i did was go to Walmart and bought a skull ice cube tray, and Wilton Candy Melts.(You probally can find either in a craft store or anywhere since it is Halloween time.) I got a small pot and i fill in with a very small amount of waterm put a metal bowl on top of it full of the melts, stired it constantly!!!!(very important) Finally when the Melts where completely melted i spooned it out with a small tsp. then, I put it in the molds. i put the molds in the freezer for a hour. (you can put it in for less time but i wanted to make sure it was completely soild.) After, the hour in the freezer i put them in little baggies for my friends who are rooming in college and thought it was a cute treat!<3 :) Have fun! Experiment with anything you can to make these as fun as possible! (I also wanted to add more color too them but had no food coloring :( )

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 15


Nice & Simple
Medium random 004 1319938297


I saw a version of Skull Crushers but i didnt have the filling for them. I really wanted to make them for my friends. So, all i did was go to Walmart and bought a skull ice cube tray, and Wilton Candy Melts.(You probally can find either in a craft store or anywhere since it is Halloween time.) I got a small pot and i fill in with a very small amount of waterm put a metal bowl on top of it full of the melts, stired it constantly!!!!(very important) Finally when the Melts where completely melted i spooned it out with a small tsp. then, I put it in the molds. i put the molds in the freezer for a hour. (you can put it in for less time but i wanted to make sure it was completely soild.) After, the hour in the freezer i put them in little baggies for my friends who are rooming in college and thought it was a cute treat!<3 :) Have fun! Experiment with anything you can to make these as fun as possible! (I also wanted to add more color too them but had no food coloring :( )
