• Posted by Bobbie N.
A decant tart blood orange pound cake with chucks of sweet white chocolate, topped with an amazing glaze
A decant tart blood orange pound cake with chucks of sweet white chocolate, topped with an amazing glaze
Prepare mis en place Butter and flour 1- 6 piece bunt pan. Sift together, 3 times, cake flour and baking powder. Set aside.
In an electric mixer with fitted paddle attachment, beat butter and sugar on medium speed until blended, about 4 minutes. Add blood orange zest and continue to beat for an additional minute. Add the cream, crème frâiche, and mascarpone, continue to beat on medium speed until amalgamated.
In a measuring jug whisk eggs, vanilla extract. on low speed begin with your sifted dry ingredients, alternating with the egg mixture, beginning and ending with the cake flour, mix until incorporated.
Brush a line with melted butter in the center of the raw cake. Bake for about 55- 60 minutes, until the top of the cake is golden brown , spring back when pressed lightly in the center, or a tester, inserted in the center of each comes out clean. Cool the cake in the pan on a cooling rack for 15 minutes. Remove cake from pan and cool on the rack.
ool the cake in the pan on a cooling rack for 15 minutes. Remove cake from pan and cool on the rack.