Wet Felted Rose Corsage

So satisfying to make the felt yourself!

Posted by Tamsinodile


This was my first ever attempt at wet felting, so I didn't take many photos, sorry!

Following standard wet feltmaking steps, I made a piece of felt which ended up approx 25cm x 15cm. The base was dark pink, with a bit of the light pink swirled across it for texture. I placed the green roving down the middle, so I could cut the felt in half and have green along the bottom edge of both pieces.

I then cut petal shapes from the felt, ranging in sizes. I gathered the green end of each petal so they took more of a 3D shape. The centre of the rose was a long strip of felt which I gathered then rolled up.

Starting with the biggest petals I started layering them, handsewing them randomly together as I went. The leaves were last, cut from a bit of the green centre of the felt.

Not much of a tutorial, but to be honest I made it up as I went so probably would be very different if I did it again!


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Needle And Thread
  • 50 cm Net Curtain sor similar
  • Soap
  • Fabric Scissors
  • 1 x Bamboo Felting Mat (or bubble wrap is supposed to work just as well!)
  • 25 g Light pink, dark pink and green Wool Roving