Weekday Brooch

Old H&M brooch re-vamped

Posted by Cutie Boots


Depending on what your brooch looks like, you may not need to add any extra jewels. But cutting, filing and superglueing the small jump rings to the jewels and the broch is very fiddley. You have been warned!


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Brooch
  • 5 different Chain
  • Jewels
  • Superglue
  • Jump Rings

Steps (8 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    I drew around my brooch onto a piece of silver card and cut it out (which I later decided to go without, it'll depend on what your brooch looks like).

  2. 2

    I then used nail varnish and felt-tip pens to make each jewel different tones of silver and black so they would stand out.

  3. 3

    I then added two pointed oval jewels either side of the centre (which I soon decided to take off - it looked too cluttered) and decided that it looked better without the silver card backing. I also superglued four round jewels to each corner.

  4. 4

    Next I cut the jump rings in half for the round jewels and cut a small section out of the rings for the teardrop jewels. Then I superglued the rings to the jewels.

  5. 5

    Then I cut the jump rings to fit the 5 points on the brooch and superglued them on. (Don't forget to leave the glue to dry for at least 10 minutes otherwise when you try and attach things to it otherwise they will fall off - I made that mistake several times, it's super frustrating.)

  6. 6

    It took me a while to rifle (and untangle!) through my large pile of chains to choose which colours to use!

  7. 7

    I measured each length of chain around the brooch and layed the jewels in place.

  8. 8

    Finally I attached the chains and jewels to the brooch using jump rings.