Wedding Wrapping Paper
DIY Wedding Wrapping Paper
Posted by Domestically B.
This DIY Wedding Wrapping Paper is the perfect touch for your gifts this wedding season!
You Will Need (5 things)
- Newspaper
- Rag
- Paint
- Solid Colored Wrapping Paper
- Stencil
Steps (4 steps, 30 minutes)
First, lay out your newspapers and unroll the desired amount of wrapping paper onto the newspapers. Place the stencil on the paper in the desired area and put something with some weight on the four corners to hold it down. Even still you might want to carefully place one hand on the edge of the stencil to hold it in place while painting with the other hand. I placed my stencil in the middle of the paper but you could cover the entire section of wrapping paper, angle it in the middle, or any other creative arrangement you can think of for your Wedding Wrapping Paper!
Lightly dab the paint onto the open areas of the stencil. Because my stencil had a pattern with small openings I used an old cloth to lightly dab the paint onto the paper.
You only need a little bit of paint at a time on your cloth. Too much paint in one area could cause your paper to become wavy due to too much moisture – this also depends on the type of paper you use. I just poured a little bit of the color sample into the lid and applied as needed, giving the paper/stencil just a light coating.
The paper should only take a few minutes to dry if you are putting on a light layer of paint – highly recommended. Once dry, remove the stencil and wrap your present. If you know you are going to need lots of Wedding Wrapping Paper throughout the summer you could continue to paint the entire roll of wrapping paper and once dry roll the whole thing back up. Then you will have a whole roll of Wedding Wrapping Paper to use whenever needed!