Wedding Glasses

Happy Shiny Wedding!

Posted by Lauren P.


For a friend's wedding, I thought it would be nice to get some wine glasses with the new last initial. (wedding date to come)


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Glass
  • Etching Paste
  • Stencil
  • Paint Brush

Steps (4 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Make your stencil and cut it out. I used painter's tape, but I'd recommend contact paper.

  2. 2

    For larger designs, you can put the stencil straight on the glass. For smaller details, I'd recommend cutting those out on the glass itself.

  3. 3

    Slop on a nice thick layer of etching paste and let it sit. The longer it site, the clearer your image will be. I left it on for 2 minutes. Rise with water and remove your stencil.

  4. 4

    Et Voila! (sans flash, here) Happy wedding!