Cut Out + Keep

We were One

Two worlds • Posted by Kin Dragon

This was originally an yin yang pendent in the shape of an alien head at first. So I thought about throwing it away ,but then I started to look at it and the yin part started to remind me of a mask, then I had the idea of making it into a galactic spirit mask but then halfway through I forgot what I had envisioned then I thought about the guy i was dating at the time. And how we were from two different “worlds” and we had experienced some of the same things. So I decided to make one side something my the guy would like and made an ferocious looking alien on the side made to look like a galexy, and the other I tried to make into a mystical kitsune mask. 2022: I dumped the guy due to his manipulation, abuse and pitiful* nature back in May 2021. Do not ask me about the overgrown man child *

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6 h 00


Medium 2018 10 24 141213 b95164f7 ab98 485e 9a01 39f3c7dd44f2 Medium 2018 10 24 141225 3c2f71d2 482f 4679 bb9f 02a649601697


This was originally an yin yang pendent in the shape of an alien head at first. So I thought about throwing it away ,but then I started to look at it and the yin part started to remind me of a mask, then I had the idea of making it into a galactic spirit mask but then halfway through I forgot what I had envisioned then I thought about the guy i was dating at the time. And how we were from two different “worlds” and we had experienced some of the same things. So I decided to make one side something my the guy would like and made an ferocious looking alien on the side made to look like a galexy, and the other I tried to make into a mystical kitsune mask. 2022: I dumped the guy due to his manipulation, abuse and pitiful* nature back in May 2021. Do not ask me about the overgrown man child *
