I made this out of petroleum jelly vaseline and watermelon food flavoring. I melted the petroleum jelly vaseline first, then added the watermelon flavoring. Keep mixing the chapstick everytime you pour into a new container so your flavor will be better and your color will be brighter.
rosa r. favorited Watermelon Chapstick 02 Sep 15:38
Miz M. favorited Watermelon Chapstick 04 Jul 08:14
You Will Need
Kerri S. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Royal Wootton Bassett, England, GB
they taste really nice! plz be my friend!

Royal Wootton Bassett, England, GB
chap-tastic! soz, couldn't resist. but it's srly cool!

Eloisa *.
Simple but cute.

37 projects
I love watermellon!

Concepcion, Bio-Bio, CL
9 projects
i love watermelon smell

Brisbane, Queensland, AU
18 projects
that sounds confusing and also like your very smart i love the idea totally c.c.c (cool, cute and crafty)

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
sounds melon-rific