Water Colour Event Card

Great for home-made burthday, invatation, aniversary and thank you cards!

Posted by Csenge N.


Use beautiful watercolours to create this unique 'gift'. All you need is materials you will fnd at home, but you may need to go out and buy sme card. You can create a 'pop out' cad, where the image s lifted from the paper using little squares of thick card, sponge or tape. You may need some experience with watercolours but otherwise, if you've just started out, the instructions are easy to follow.


You Will Need (12 things)

  • Equipment

  • 1 Ruler
  • Watercolours
  • 1 Cup Water for rinsing brush
  • 1 Thin Paintbrush
  • 1 Pair of Scissors
  • 1 Rubber
  • Subject to paint
  • 1 Cartridge Paper for the design
  • Optional

  • 1 Seperate piece of Card for background
  • Tape to make the cut-out 'pop out'

Steps (17 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    First of all, we need to create a neat fold in the middle of our cartridge paper. To do this, we will mark out the middle using a ruler and pencil, then, scored with a pair of scissors, we will fold it directly in half.

  2. 2

    We should have a nice and precise fold allong the middle and if we turn it to face the right way, we can begin. This card is made to be portrait in orientation but you can turn it another 90 degrees to make it landscape.

  3. 3

    Carefully sketch out the shape of your design. I'm using a subject to work from such as a jewellry/ trinket box. You can use anything that you might think will please the reiever. This can also be done by imagination if you don't think there isn't anything interesting enough lying around the house. Do this lightly so you can alter it later. You may need a rubber.

  4. 4

    Add detail such as jewellry and hinges. Think about any patterns or make up your own. Also, think about using a ruler to add straight edges etc. Make sure that this is done lightly too as this will be seen through the watercolour paint later.

  5. 5

    Now, we need to add the text. Use fancy to bold letterng. If you need any ideas, try searching some fonts on Google.

  6. 6

    To the watecolours! Study your subjects colours. You can even brain storm ideas to mix the right colour. Remember, if this is going to be yor final piece, you can't ruin it. Also, make sure you know that the watercolours are easily blendable and can make a lovely, calm hue. Start with the lightest colour first and blend on a scrap piece of paper or pallet.

  7. 7

    On your drawing, fill in the design with one layer of solid colour, make sure you are aware of the water content which determines the lightness of the colour.

  8. 8

    Using less water, add the grainlines while it's still wet. Don't worry if hte colour looks like it's too strong or contrasting. We can blend this in later with some water or close colours.

  9. 9

    Blend th colours in with water. Make sure that everything is still wet. This bit took me at least 2 tries as sometimes, you can get too much or too little water on yor brush.

  10. 10

    Finally, we can add the grainlines with less or more water dependin on what you think looks best on your design. Thankfully, watercolours are forgiving if you use them the right way!

  11. 11

    For the next colour, we will look at shadow. Have a look at your subject once more and we can add a shade darker such as brown to perfect the hue.

  12. 12

    Again, we need to add a single layer to the part we're colouring in.

  13. 13

    Darker still, with more brown.

  14. 14

    Add shadow to the bottom and corners of the shape. You can use layers of colours to help you get an even spread of colour.

  15. 15

    When you completely coloured the picture in using the same technique, this is somewhat what it should look like.

  16. 16

    For the text, you can use any colour. I got this affect by letting the brush go where it wanted as in angles to get this calliagraphy affect.

  17. 17

    If you cut the design out, you can stck it on a piece of card, you can decorate the outside differently and make the image 'pop out' using tape squares.