This is a great bracelet to make from leftover rocailles from previous projects.
When you start running out of thread simply weave the remaining thread back through the piece knotting at various points until you run out. Trim any excess. To add a piece of thread, prepare your needle with another length of thread. Weave through the piece in the same way, again, knotting as you go. Weave through until you reach the point where you left off.
Trisha H. favorited Waste Not Want Not Bracelet 18 Jun 13:29
Step 1
Prepare your needle with about 150cm of nymo loom thread. Add a stop bead by picking up a rocaille with your needle and moving it to about 20cm from the end of the thread. Loop your thread round and through again and pull tight. Pick up 9 more beads. Then pick up another rocaille and let it rest next to the last rocaille added. Pass your needle through the next bead along on the first row. Keep adding beads in this way until you reach the end of the row, with your needle coming out at the first bead you added. Pick up another rocaille and continue back along the second row in the same way. You will use this technique (even count peyote stitch) to make the main body of the bracelet but you will be adding small loops and tassels to the edges as you go.
Step 2
In keeping with the ‘loose’ style of the piece, the loops and tassels will be random lengths. LOOPS - When you reach the end of a row pick up a few rocailles - between 4 and 8. Pass your needle back down through the first rocaille you picked up. Pull tight to complete your loop. Continue with the next row of even count peyote until you reach the other side of the bracelet. TASSELS - Tassels are very easy. Simply pick up several beads of your choice, including a 4mm moon bead and ending with a rocaille. Then pass your thread back down through all the beads you have picked up apart from the last rocaille added. Continue with the next row of even count peyote until you reach the other side of the bracelet. Add your next loop or tassel. Continue until your bracelet is about 14cm long. DO NOT cut off your remaining thread.
Step 3
To make the clasp, continue from the end of the completed bracelet with 2 more rows of peyote stitch, 10 beads wide (a).Continue by making 5 more rows of peyote stitch, just 2 beads wide (b).Make 2 more rows 10 beads wide. Weave your thread back through until you come out at the last bead of the first of these 2 rows as indicated by the arrow, ready to begin the last side (c).Make 5 more rows of peyote stitch, 2 beads wide (d). Join up with the first 2 rows added by weaving through several beads.
Step 6
Pick up 1 x 8mm moon bead and 1 rocaille. Pass your thread back through the moon bead, through the centre of the tube and out the other side. Pick up another 8mm moon bead and 1 rocaille. Pass back through the moon bead and through the centre of the tube coming out in the middle.
Step 7
Pick up 3 rocailles. Attach to the bracelet in the middle of the opposite side to the toggle, by weaving through several beads. Weave back through to the 3 joining rocailles. Pass your thread through them and weave through several beads on the toggle. Repeat until your toggle feels secure. Trim any excess thread.
I could almost add all of your stuff so it would be much easier to add you..
You always have brilliant tutorials ^^
Thanks for sharing them...
Keep going!!! ;)