• Posted by carlyjcais
I fell in love with this washer necklace, originally by artist Anni Albers. They sell the DIY necklace kit on Urban Outfitters for $14. But I'm not paying $14 for a kit! I just put together the parts - one trip to Home Depot, and one trip to Michael's later, I was set. Figuring out how the ribbon was woven through took a few false starts, but here is the DIY anyway, just in case anyone's interested: *I know it looks from the "materials needed" like we just bought a whole bunch of 1/2" washers, but for some reason the loose 1/2" dia washers actually ARE 1/2", whereas the loose, in the drawer "cutwashers1/2" are larger (like 7/8" if truth must be told). Not sure why. Anyway, those are what I used; choose whatever sizes you like! Total cost of washers? $3.74.
I fell in love with this washer necklace, originally by artist Anni Albers. They sell the DIY necklace kit on Urban Outfitters for $14. But I'm not paying $14 for a kit! I just put together the parts - one trip to Home Depot, and one trip to Michael's later, I was set. Figuring out how the ribbon was woven through took a few false starts, but here is the DIY anyway, just in case anyone's interested: *I know it looks from the "materials needed" like we just bought a whole bunch of 1/2" washers, but for some reason the loose 1/2" dia washers actually ARE 1/2", whereas the loose, in the drawer "cutwashers1/2" are larger (like 7/8" if truth must be told). Not sure why. Anyway, those are what I used; choose whatever sizes you like! Total cost of washers? $3.74.
Thread one of the smallest washers onto your length of ribbon, about 8" or so from one end. Follow lacing instructions below, adding washers on in this order: (S= small washer, M=medium washer, L=large washer) S-S-M-M-M-M-M-M-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-M-M-M-M-M-M-S-S
Make sure you underlap the washers as you add each new one; the new one goes underneath the previous one. And they're single-sided (a shiny side, and a matter side), so make sure you're keeping the same side out for each one as you add it on! Leave 6-8" on the end once you're done , and tie the end of the ribbon. You can also treat the ends with Fray-Stop, or fold them over twice and stitch a narrow hem to encase the edges (neither of which I've done in the photo cuz I'm just too lazy). I think I'll just leave the ends tied - am not sure I like the bow I made. Anyhow. Project Cost: $4.74.
The necklace (though heavy) sits beautifully on the body, almost like a flat snake. Very nice, Anni Albers! Happy DIY'ing! xoxox Carly