• Posted by Waloo R.
Here is a tutorial on how to make a pin cushion made from a walnut shell, a piece of scrap fabric and lace. I've seen other tutorials like this, but I figured I would post how I was taught when I was little. You can either choose to make it wearable, such as the bracelet and necklace, or to be a regular sitting pin cushion. How you enjoy the tutorial and it prove helpful!
Here is a tutorial on how to make a pin cushion made from a walnut shell, a piece of scrap fabric and lace. I've seen other tutorials like this, but I figured I would post how I was taught when I was little. You can either choose to make it wearable, such as the bracelet and necklace, or to be a regular sitting pin cushion. How you enjoy the tutorial and it prove helpful!
First, you need to find yourself a walnut. Any size will do, but the bigger ones are the best because they will hold more pins. Crack that nut in half as best you can, it may take a couple tries and some patience to get it split right down the middle. Clean out all the nut and stuff that is inside and then set aside.
Now you need that scrap fabric. It only needs to be about 1/4-1/2 inch bigger than your walnut on all sides and preferably square. It can be any kind of fabric, I used quilting cotton on the one, but I have used felt as well.
Next, do a baste stitch all the way around your little square, making sure that the trad comes out on the same side it went in. As for the thread color and precision, it doesn't really matter, you wont see it in the end.
Pull your baste stitch a little, leaving an opening big enough to put your finger into. You'll need to stuff it on the next step, so don't tie of your baste yet.
Stuff your little piece of fabric, and just hold the tails while stuffing. Note: depending on how long your hot glue gun takes to heat up, you should probably plug it in about now.
As you start to fill it up begin to pull the thread to close off the opening more so the stuffing wont pop out. You'll want to stuff the little 'ball' as full as it will go so you have a solid pin cushion. Note: this would be where you added the dried lavender if you decide to.
Once it is as full as it will go, tie off the tails and it should look like this.
This is about how big the fabric ball should be next to your walnut.
Take that walnut shell and fill it with hot glue. Make sure to get the sides of the inside of the shell as well as the bottom.
Shove that fabric ball, with ugly side down, into the shell and press down hard so the glue adheres to the fabric.
Now hot glue half way around the sides of the shell just beneath the fabric. If you can do the next step quickly, you can glue all the way around.
Begin wrapping the lace or ribbon around the shell where you just put the glue. Then put glue around the rest of the shell if you havent already.
Finish wrapping the lace the rest of the way and glue the last corners together.
And now you are pretty much done.
If you want to make it a bracelet, make a small loop and glue it on the back, string a piece of elastic through it and you have a bracelet. Note: I had no elastic at the time ;W;
Or glue on a loop of some kind on the top and put a piece of string through it and you have a necklace. I used a wooden bead :D Now wear your pin cushion like the proud sewer you are!