Cut Out + Keep

Wall Paper Samples In Shadow Boxes

Shabby Chic art collages out of old wallpaper samples • Posted by V-I-O-L-E-T Z.

My old wallpaper samples found in the garage now my favorite art collages. I framed them in shadow boxes and embellished with some scrapbook stickers, ribbon, old necklace pieces with pearls and vintage style pendant

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc 1107 1275781889 Medium dsc 1100 1275782831 Medium dsc 1104 1275783154 Medium dsc 1106 1275783385 Medium dsc 1102 1275783684


My old wallpaper samples found in the garage now my favorite art collages. I framed them in shadow boxes and embellished with some scrapbook stickers, ribbon, old necklace pieces with pearls and vintage style pendant
