• Posted by FrolleinKram
It looks a little bit KoRn, doesn't it? ^____^ ( I'm gonna sew an XXL KorN-Voodoo plushie soon <3 ) Well, to be honest, 3 or 4 years ago, I sweared to myself never to sew any of these things again. I'm not into superstitiousness, really not, but a happening made me think... We had to do a presentation about voodoo in our religion class, and just for the heck of it, I sewed a small fabric doll. I did put no hair in, I did sing no strange chants, I just sewed it. On presentation day, I presented it to a classmate, and he sait smtn about "Let's try it", and smashed the dolls head on a door knob. Well, 2 hours later, his english teacher came in and told them she had to go home because of a terrible headache. Is is no goddarn joke. I aint joking about stuff like this... As I said, it just made me think... So, I'll handle this sweetheart with care, never hurt it, and everybody will be fine... xD And oh, it you are offended by this kind of stuff, tell your rooms wall, your pillow or something, but don't tell me. People already called me a witch for real and guess what: I told them they could go eat poo. But if you wanna make me giggle, go for it, tell me about black magic. xD
It looks a little bit KoRn, doesn't it? ^____^ ( I'm gonna sew an XXL KorN-Voodoo plushie soon <3 ) Well, to be honest, 3 or 4 years ago, I sweared to myself never to sew any of these things again. I'm not into superstitiousness, really not, but a happening made me think... We had to do a presentation about voodoo in our religion class, and just for the heck of it, I sewed a small fabric doll. I did put no hair in, I did sing no strange chants, I just sewed it. On presentation day, I presented it to a classmate, and he sait smtn about "Let's try it", and smashed the dolls head on a door knob. Well, 2 hours later, his english teacher came in and told them she had to go home because of a terrible headache. Is is no goddarn joke. I aint joking about stuff like this... As I said, it just made me think... So, I'll handle this sweetheart with care, never hurt it, and everybody will be fine... xD And oh, it you are offended by this kind of stuff, tell your rooms wall, your pillow or something, but don't tell me. People already called me a witch for real and guess what: I told them they could go eat poo. But if you wanna make me giggle, go for it, tell me about black magic. xD