Violet Roses Felt Cake
a Perfect gift for your BFF ! (if she likes purples XD)!!
Posted by Lin L.
Well, i read on a book about felt cakes, and its almost my friend B'day, so i thought "why not?", she likes violet/purple, she wanted something handmade from me, and her b'day cake is violet too ! so i made it almost looks like in the book, with lil' changes in here and there :) !
i made this cake in almost a week at night, so im not sure how much times used for these, lol .
(If you want tuts for these,message me and i'll see if i have the materials to remake this cake)
You Will Need (10 things)
- 1 m White Felt
- Purple Felt
- Needle
- Fabric Glue
- Light Green Felt
- Light Blue Felt
- Yellow Felt
- white Thread
- Stuffing
- Cardboard