• Posted by Shaydee313
Version of a regular vinyl clock :)
Version of a regular vinyl clock :)
Cut a paper circle the same size as the label on the record. (if you want,you can cut the circle from the record's cover,it will come up nice) If you don't think you can get it right,use the compass to measure the circle and then to draw another one. Than,glue the circle on the record(be careful not to touch the record with super glue,though). Than,draw over the edges to make it look uneven.
Draw the clock's hands on a piece of cardboard,but make sure it's not too thik,because it may stop the mechanism working correctly,since it might be too heavy. Then colour them black with the same marker you used for the circle at step 1.
Glue the cardboard arrows on the original clock's hands.Also,colour(using the marker) any part that remains outside the cardboard arrow.
Paint them with black nail polish for a neat finish. Of course,clear nail polish can be used,but,if so,make sure you apply several layers of black marker on the cardboard.This way the colour will be stronger.
Draw the numbers on self adhesive paper,but don't forget to draw them mirrored :D Then,cut them carefully using a smaller scissors.
Divide the record into 12 equal parts with imaginary lines(if you want,you can first divide it in 4 and make just a little scratch where numbers 12,3,6 and 9 will be.This will make your job a lot easier) Then,stick the numbers in their places.
Make a hole through the newspaper,right in the center of the disc (I'm sure you knew that allready,but oh well LOL)
Carefully glue the clock mechanism on the back of your record.
Put the clock's hands right where they belong :D But don't forget to leave them about 5 minutes to dry completely from the nail polish before you put them back.
Put the battery and enjoy your watch :D