Vintage Style Jewelry Box
How to make your very own small vintage box for jewelry!
Posted by Rachel's Craft Channel
Making a plain box into something cute and usable is not difficult, you just have to have the right tools. If the jewelry is dull, try sticking it in a bowl of baking soda and water for about 20 min.
My Youtube Channel:
You Will Need (4 things)
- Hot Glue Gun
- Various Gold And Pearl Jewelry Pieces
- Crocheted Lace
- Round Recycled Box
Steps (4 steps, 15 minutes)
This box originally was given to me with some candy from a baby shower. I found some links though where you can buy one like it:
Take some old crocheted lace (If you don't have any, you can take some new crocheted lace and dye it with tea.)
Glue it around the side of the box lid with the hot glue gun. -
Gather various pieces of jewelry. I used single earrings, parts of broken bracelets, some pearl beads, and clip on earrings. Carefully glue the jewelry so it is centered around the middle of the lid.
Add any extra decoration, as desired, and enjoy!