• Posted by Anna H.
Those shoes were very cheap. I HAD to buy them, but Winter's gone and everyone knows them since every third person round here's runnin round in them. :/ So - Day Off, lots of time - Sex and the City Seasons in DVD Player - great conditions! :)
Those shoes were very cheap. I HAD to buy them, but Winter's gone and everyone knows them since every third person round here's runnin round in them. :/ So - Day Off, lots of time - Sex and the City Seasons in DVD Player - great conditions! :)
First, I removed the woolen fabric at the top. (Springtime, byebye Winter!)
Think about how the lace could fit your shoe best. Stick it with pins.
Sew it on :)
My edges didn't turn out so clean :/ so I decided to glue satin ribbon in a matching color over them.
I also hotglued ribbon on the egdes on the top. Just looks nicer.
Adapt the other side.
Done! =)