Cut Out + Keep

Vintage Doily Tote Bag

tote bag • Posted by vInTaGe~VioLeT

i've been stock pilling vintage doilies and thought it was time i started using them up so this is my second doily project.

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1 h 00


Medium dscn9071 1247346892 Medium dscn9077 1247346981 Medium dscn9080 1247347626 Medium dscn9068 1247347708 Medium dscn9070 1247348022


i've been stock pilling vintage doilies and thought it was time i started using them up so this is my second doily project.


  1. Small dscn9068 1247347170

    take one plain natural cotton tote bag pin on a pretty vintage embroidered doily

  2. Small dscn9070 1247347244

    then remember you need to sew on some buttons {vintage of course!} sew on the buttons, through the doily but not through the bag. Then machine stitch your doily to your tote with contrasting cotton, i used different colours for top and bobbin threads {try not to get too cross with your dumb-ass sewing machine}

  3. Small dscn9071 1247347365

    select a small crochet doily and using a matching cotton hand sew the doily to the centre of the first doily remembering too late you should have done this before sewing on the first doily, sigh. select a beautiful carved vintage mother-of-pearl button to adorn the centre of the second doily sew on with contrasting embroidery thread.

  4. Small dscn9077 1247347525

    there you go - all finished, a cool new shopping bag! i hope you like it.