• Posted by Crimsaros
My most recent version of my Vincent valentine cosplay! All the pictures were taken at otakuthon 2015. (I have no idea how much time it took me to make this cosplay so the time is probably not accurate all I can say is that it took me a long time.) The gauntlet and shoes are made out of craftfoam covered by thin fabric that is covered in glue then once dry painted with acrylic paint and varnish. Two first pictures were taken by Bandit Spurs. Second one was taken by Yadonashi. Third one was taken by psychochronic4 (photobucket). And last once was found in a Facebook album.
My most recent version of my Vincent valentine cosplay! All the pictures were taken at otakuthon 2015. (I have no idea how much time it took me to make this cosplay so the time is probably not accurate all I can say is that it took me a long time.) The gauntlet and shoes are made out of craftfoam covered by thin fabric that is covered in glue then once dry painted with acrylic paint and varnish. Two first pictures were taken by Bandit Spurs. Second one was taken by Yadonashi. Third one was taken by psychochronic4 (photobucket). And last once was found in a Facebook album.