• Posted by Max
This is a little tea wallet that fits 4 tea bags. You can also put in little papers like receipts or grocery lists. No sewing machine needed! Very easy and fun. Add decorations if you want to. I added little glitter flowers and a ribbon! Sorry for the blurry pictures. I have an old camera!
This is a little tea wallet that fits 4 tea bags. You can also put in little papers like receipts or grocery lists. No sewing machine needed! Very easy and fun. Add decorations if you want to. I added little glitter flowers and a ribbon! Sorry for the blurry pictures. I have an old camera!
Get two parts of felt, 9 by 12 centimeters. Handsew them together on the outsides. Leave one side of 12 centimeter unsewed. Two different colours are fun!
Turn your work inside out, so you get a neat border for your tea wallet. Sew on a button, make sure it's tight on. On the other side, take a small piece of yarn and sew it in, so you have a closure. (See the left side of the picture) I glued a ribbon on the 12 centimeter side I didn't sew as decoration.
On the other side, cut two stripes horizontally, where the tea bags can be put in, as on the picture shown. If you please, you can cut out something from the upper side too, as a curve. You can also put tea underneath the (in my wallet's orange) layer, and it has room for receipts or notes there too.
Optional step: glue on some decorations!