Cut Out + Keep

Vertical Diner Tofu Scramble

By chef Ian Brandt • Posted by A Bite To Eat

(Makes 2-4 servings)

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 45


Nice & Simple
Medium 106758 2f2015 01 12 200146 img 0840


(Makes 2-4 servings)


  1. Drain the brick of tofu and rinse off the tofu.

  2. Press tofu brick between 2 plates with a weight on the top plate

  3. Drain liquid and rinse tofu brick again

  4. In mixing bowl, crumble tofu into all of the spices, salt oil and nutritional yeast until the tofu is in large pebble size pieces

  5. In a oiled iron skillet add tofu and heat slowly so that the tofu doesn’t stick to the pan. Serve with the awesome Vertical Diner Biscuits and Gravy with sautéed seasonal vegetables