Cut Out + Keep

Vampyre Spider Mistress

Dead is the new alive.- Emilie Autumn • Posted by Tiffany R.

It was inspired by something I did last year for Samhain/Halloween. Only this year I made it bigger, better, and brighter.

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2 h 21


Medium 68419 855184401699 25829217 45965500 1561264 n 1287510191 Medium 69156 855183618269 25829217 45965458 5092170 n 1287510313 Medium 69389 855184042419 25829217 45965478 3844593 n 1287510375 Medium 72490 855184261979 25829217 45965496 3130538 n 1287510396 Medium 72490 855184237029 25829217 45965492 5028251 n 1287510417


It was inspired by something I did last year for Samhain/Halloween. Only this year I made it bigger, better, and brighter.


  1. Dab some facial lotion on your hands and distribute evenly all over face and neck region *chest and shoulders also if your shirt shows these areas*. Then take a Kabuki brush or blush brush and apply Medusa's Geisha Foundation all over moisturized skin.

  2. Grab your black eyeliner and do your normal eyeliner under your eye then make sure its sharp and draw your desired spiderweb beside your eye. Make it big all the way up to and past your eyebrow and down to your cheek bone. You can also add rinestones at the corner of your eye and at the tips of the web too, to give it a sparkle. Optional, take an angle eyeliner brush and take prefered color(mine is purple) and lightly add a bit of a shadow effect to your web's corners. A cool effect: If your eyebrow is pierced, put the spider web on that eye and purchase or make an eyebrow ring with a little spider that dangles down on the web. :)

  3. Next, apply Medusa's Stick It to eyelids. Grab your eyeshadow brush and apply Medusa's Boy Toy to inner corner eyelids and cover a little over half. Clean off brush and apply Medusa's Purple Rain to the rest of your eyelid. On the eye that doesn't have the spiderweb, just create a pointy wing with the Purple Rain.

  4. Apply Stick It to your lips next. Medusa's eye dust is safe, and very fun, to use for lip color! So after Stick It is on your lips, grab your eye shadow brush again and apply Black Sabboth eye dust to the inside of your lips, top and bottom. Be sure not to go in too far or your teeth will be black >_< Then with a brush that gives you more detail, lip brush, eyeliner brush, whatever, apply Flamingo to the rest of your lips. When you're finished with that, take Golden Boy dust and spot it over top the Flamingo. For a more solid, less shiny look, just apply red lipstick over top Golden Boy. Which is what I did, after a few pictures with just Flamingo/Golden Boy.

  5. Apply your choice of false eyelashes. I chose ones called Cleopatra. Then fix hair as desired, mine was just full of gel and hairspray, and just shaken up a bit. With a piece of veil material pinned to the side of my hed with a bow.

  6. When you're all finished, if you wish, smear your lipstick to one side of your face, gives it a creepy look that I love! And of course, you gotta have your fangs!