Cut Out + Keep

Valentine's Day Treat

For your valentine • Posted by EVEnl

Chocolate and red roses are such a great combo! Giving a gift can mean much more than handing someone a material object. It can be a way to strengthen relationships, especially when the gift is thoughtful and includes personal touches.

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Pretty Easy
Medium foto jspmzhxq Medium foto ils8dpfj Medium foto wkr47vxn


Chocolate and red roses are such a great combo! Giving a gift can mean much more than handing someone a material object. It can be a way to strengthen relationships, especially when the gift is thoughtful and includes personal touches.


  1. Small 257 d7224670665859b267174fee8bb3860b 1233787182

    Get a large pan, and boil some water. Put a smaller pan into the larger pan, and put your chocolate inside. Stir constantly until the chocolate melts. You don't need to add anything, it will melt smoothly on it's own. This works well because the chocolate isn't on direct heat.

  2. Small foto unqqkme6

    Most roses are edible but as with all flowers you should wash them well and avoid any that have been sprayed with chemical pesticides. If in doubt, don't eat them. Take your rose and remove all petals, rinse the rose petals and dry them by using a piece of paper towl. Dip the petals in the chocolate one by one by using tweezers and put them on a plate.

  3. Small foto hykapice

    THE GIFT BOX: Use heavy paper (220gram) the measurements of the box is 10 x 7 x 3.5 Cut the box out on the solid lines and fold on the dotted lines. You will have only one tab that you will need to glue or tape. Since my link doesn't work anymore I found a new box on this site you can either go to the site or download the PDF file above. I think this box is even prettier than mine!

  4. If you want to make a more personal or decorative box just put things like a picture of you and your valentine under the photo copier and copy it onto the paper. (make sure you copy it onto the right side) I copied some rose petals and my favourite page of Pride and Prejudice.

  5. Small foto kdx4fvsy 1234178376

    put the chocolate rose petals into a napkin and then place them in the box. Fold close and consume within three days.