Cut Out + Keep

Valentine Day Plushies

Plushies for my boyfriend. • Posted by Sammantha L.

Cute little plushies I made for Valentine's Day of my boyfriend and I.

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4 h 00


Medium 20120927 124811


Cute little plushies I made for Valentine's Day of my boyfriend and I.


  1. Small 20120926 145111

    Firstly I made templates on paper of all the different body parts needed. They are -legs, head, torso and arm.

  2. Small 20120924 170236

    I pinned the body parts to the felt and then folded the felt over so I was cutting two of each shape (two are needed for each doll)

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    I then hand sewed these pieces together and added stuffing from an old cushion inside before sewing up.

  4. Small 20120924 192614

    I then added the head and added two pins for the eyes (these were folded over, obviously if you were making a plush for a child...DONT USE PINS!) I had a problem with the hair for the me doll as I couldnt decide which hair colour would be best! (as someone that changes their hair every other week)

  5. Small 20120926 155321

    I used my glue gun to add the clothes to the legs/body.

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    And then added clothes to the plush.

  7. Small 20120926 215934

    Added a few other details (tattoos,necklace etc) and then youre done! My boyfriend loved them. :)