Cut Out + Keep

Use Photoshop To Make A Picture Look Like A Sketch

This is really cool if you have photoshop! • Posted by Miss Fit

Ummmmm... ya, i hope you like this.

You will need

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0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium c8 1216322486 Medium g30 1216322610


Ummmmm... ya, i hope you like this.


  1. Small 11325

    Find a picture you like. I used this one of the girls from Trashy Crue.

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    Next, go to Image< Adjust< Brightness/Contrast.

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    Set the contrast to about 50. Now your picture should look something like this.

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    Now go to Image< Adjust< Desaturate. Your picture will be black and white.

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    At this point, You need to reduplicate your picture to unlock it. To do this, go to the layers palete, and right click on your picture. Then select Duplicate Layer. This will show up as background copy. From now on, we will work on this layer.

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    Now go to Image< Adjust< Invert. Your image looks like this. Kinda creepy, huh?

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    Go to the layers Palete and select color dodge from the drop-down menu.

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    Your image looks like this.

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    Now go to Filter< Blur< Gaussian Blur. Mess with the radius until you think the image looks most like a sketch. I set mine to 2 for the radius.

  10. Small 11334

    Ta-dah! Image to sketch in a matter of not much time. Now you can impress your friends, or trick them into thinking that you have hidden talent. Enjoy!