• Posted by Mary-The Boondocks Blog ..
How to transform laminate furniture to look like wood by using chalky finish paint and gel stain.
How to transform laminate furniture to look like wood by using chalky finish paint and gel stain.
This is what the table looked like before. The top was laminate but the legs were made of wood. So I decided to give it a farmhouse look.
I painted the top and legs using Americana Chalky finish paint in white. For the top and leaves it was used like a primer.
I then went over the table top and leaves with Gel Stain. A few coats in the opposite direction from the chalky finish paint. This created lots of texture on the top of the table.
A few coats later and it was done. It had lots of texture and a rustic look that I love. I finished it off with a varnish spray.