Cut Out + Keep

Upcycling An Old Laminate Table With Gel Stain

Yes, you can paint your laminate furniture to look like wood! • Posted by Mary-The Boondocks Blog ..

How to transform laminate furniture to look like wood by using chalky finish paint and gel stain.

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5 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2018 01 30 205739 table%2b13


How to transform laminate furniture to look like wood by using chalky finish paint and gel stain.


  1. Small 2018 01 30 204617 table%2b1

    This is what the table looked like before. The top was laminate but the legs were made of wood. So I decided to give it a farmhouse look.

  2. Small 2018 01 30 204657 table%2b4

    I painted the top and legs using Americana Chalky finish paint in white. For the top and leaves it was used like a primer.

  3. Small 2018 01 30 204733 table%2b9

    I then went over the table top and leaves with Gel Stain. A few coats in the opposite direction from the chalky finish paint. This created lots of texture on the top of the table.

  4. Small 2018 01 30 205102 table%2b15

    A few coats later and it was done. It had lots of texture and a rustic look that I love. I finished it off with a varnish spray.