Upcycled Laundry Detergent Container

A fun way to keep your laundry detergent in it's place

Posted by Po!s0n Si0uX


Aren't you tired of having that bag of powdered laundry detergent spill all over your laundry room? I am! I love using powdered detergent for my whites so I buy it in a bag, when I got sick of having to pick all the mess up (I'm kind of clumsy) I decided to buy a canister but they're so pricey! SO I remembered I had a Lipton Tea container that was about to run out so I made myself some tea and washed the container. This is the great result :D


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 Plastic Cup
  • Scissors
  • Transparent Tape
  • 1 lbs Laundry Detergent bag
  • 1 lbs Container with lid
  • 1 lbs powder Laundry Detergent

Steps (7 steps, 35 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get your container and make sure it's clean and dry.

    I had this Lipton tea container almost empty so I made some tea and washed it.

  2. 2

    Fill your container.

    This step is optional to do first or you could measure your container first, I didn't think this through when I made mine so I just filled it and freehanded my wrapping.

  3. 3

    Cut your laundry bag to fit your container.

  4. 4

    For this step I forgot to take a picture.

    Just put the bag into place and put some tiny pieces of scotch tape to secure it before using the transparent one.

    Put a big piece to secure the outer edge of the cover and another for securing the top from the cover to the inside like shown in the next step.

  5. 5

    Once you've wrapped the big piece of transparent tape on to the upper edge of your container (leaving aprox. half of the width sticking out) make small cuts to make flaps and then just tape them to the container's edge all the way to the inside (try not to get any detergent on the tape).

    Repeat this step on the bottom (Remember to put the lid on before doing this!).

  6. 6

    Put the lid on and enjoy you're new upcycled laundry detergent container!

  7. 7

    Remember to put your plastic cup inside and if you have any questions feel free to ask! :D